DIY an Plasma Speaker

What is Plasma Speaker and what is it advantage? Plasma speakers or ionophones are a form of loudspeaker which varies air pressure via a high-energy electrical plasma instead of a solid diaphragm. Connected to the output of an audio amplifier, plasma speakers vary the size[1] of a plasma glow discharge, corona discharge or electric arc which then acts as a massless radiating element, creating the compression waves in air that listeners perceive…

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CatBridge Catbridge: Bridge to rescue cats trapped in high places By pre-training the cat so that the cat is confident about the bridge, people can use the bridge to save cats trapped in high places. TRANSFORMING CRUTCH To save strength, elderly people must bring crutches with them when they walk outside. Meanwhile, they also have…

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Computer Overclocking

Results First: Ryzen 9 5950x Pbo(max enhancer) 5.075Ghz stable(2 cores)RX 6900XT 2.7Ghz stably running GTAV standard test CPU-Z Validation The active cores are Core0 and Core2. I am always fascinated achieving higher performances. So I want to do the same on my computers. Overclocking mainly describes increasing the frequency of processors(CPU, GPU or memory) to…

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Study of HongQiao in ancient painting Qingming ShangHeTu

清明上河图虹桥的结构研究Study of HongQiao in ancient painting Qingming ShangHeTu 《清明上河图》是中国十大传世名画之一,为北宋画家张择端仅见的存世精品,属国宝级文物,现藏于北京故宫博物院。这幅画描绘了北宋时期都城东京(今河南开封)的状况,主要是汴京以及汴河两岸的自然风光和繁荣景象。 The Qingming Shanghe Tu, one of the ten most famous Chinese paintings, is the only surviving masterpiece of the Northern Song painter Zhang Zeduan, a national treasure, and is now in the National Palace Museum in Beijing. The painting depicts the conditions of Tokyo (now Kaifeng,…

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